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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mystical Stories

My blog for the story is www.mystical-stories.blogspot.com

Thursday, June 5, 2008


A Graduation Wish

The high school commencement speaker was a president of a large corporation.He was chosen for the occasion because of his success. Yet his speech came with a most unusual wish for the graduates.
The speaker told the students sitting before him in their graduation gowns, "If I could have one hope for you as you go out into the world, it would be this: I hope you fail. I hope you fail at something that is important to you." He went on to say how his own early life had been one failure after another, until he learned to see failure as an effective teacher.
Before discovering the high ground we are looking for, we may need to see the failure of the dreams we hold in our hearts.

The lessons we learn form our failures
Are lessons that help us suceed,
And if we are wise and we heed them,
Then failure is just what we need.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Re-invent yourself

Take stock of the times when you have done as well as when you have met with setbacks. In those areas that you feel you have not done well, try to think of other methods to how similar situations can be handled should they occur again. Doing so will allow new ideas to flow. Make room in your life to try our different things . This can include trying a new route on your way to work or home, discovering another place to play for spending your recess or reading books by author who is new to you. Making these small changes in your life can give you fresh perspectives.

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A little bit about me...

I want...

Dell laptop
Getamped prepaid card

I like...

Praising God
Computer games(Getampedsea)
Playing badminton
Watching Taiwan dramas

My Life Journal



friend name here
friend name here
friend name here

My best teachers are Miss Chia and Mr Teo!!!