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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Today's lesson

1) IMPACT of today's lesson on your learning.

I learnt how to manipulated the reader's emotion and make the reader's "EMO"
chart go up and down like a roller coaster . There must be a contrast. First, you paint a very happy beautiful "picture" then you "splash water" on it and pull the motion all the way down to the very bottom. I realized that there is a difference between SAD and EXTREMELY SAD. SAD is only a little touching. EXTREMELY SAD can wrench tears out of your heart. Personally, I think I like both movies that were screened. The 911 tower was good as it used a girl, a little girl which voice was very touching. The other movie on imperfection heroes. The most touching part was the mother's choice to give the baby up or to raise him up and when she cried help, help! For this story, only children and adults who are close together will understand (like me(: ). We must go into the shoes of the mother and empathize with her feeling. I think Mary Lenox from the SECRET GARDEN will never understand as her parents doesn't care about her .

2) Feed back to MC.
I think you should let the 2007 5B which is in our 6A now watch the teacher movie( Teddy three letters) as that one made me tear. I will never ever forget that show as it has been carved in my heart. I would give it 2 red (EMO) cards for it.
( This is school work.)


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