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Thursday, May 29, 2008


I just came across a motivational article it sparked off my interest.

Pave the way by creating new opportunities for yourself.

When life throws you unexpected challenges, how you handle them is what really matters.
Albert Einstein said: " In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity."
You do not have to wait for a problem to turn into an opportunity.From time to time, you may make mistakes, but you can learn from them. When something does not go the way you want, you must start taking steps to amend it. Similarly, if opportunity does not know on the door, then you may have to initiate the knocking yourself. Recognize that there are times in your life when you have to make your own luck. I agree with Wei Kang that sometimes luck plays a very important role too. Being optimistic and enthusiastic like Johnathan Chen gives you an energy to face uncertainties and seek out new opportunities.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Manage your anxiety about public speaking by visualizing success.

Fear is an unpleasant feeling of perceived risk or danger, real or not.
It functions to make us alert and ready for action should we encounter problems. Depending on the manner in which you handle your apprehension, fear can either stir you to action or immobilize you.
Why do so many people dread public speaking? The truth is, most people are fearful of speaking in public.Instead they are more apprehensive about the unfavorable scenarios that they have built up in their minds.
For instance, people who have a phobia of public speaking may be afraid of rejection. If you perceive yourself being rejected and faltered as a speaker, this may very well be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Usually, speakers who are not confident are likely to lose their audiences attention. One of the most effective techniques of dealing with the fear of public speaking is to visualize yourself confidently making a speech in front of many people.
On the flip side, having fear is not always a bad thing. if you never experience fear any fear, it is likely that you are living your life much too safely and advoid challenges.
It is only when you conquer your fears and venture out of your comfort zone that you can learn and grow most as a person.

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Dell laptop
Getamped prepaid card

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Praising God
Computer games(Getampedsea)
Playing badminton
Watching Taiwan dramas

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My best teachers are Miss Chia and Mr Teo!!!